Saturday, March 6, 2010

SuperSchool Day #1

After a rocky start with Brother since they had us stand in the cold for about an hour and a half... We had the chance to finally come into The Ice Palace and sit on very comfortable couches. Due to some airplane delays, Curro Chozas which was the one supposed to open SuperSchool Weekend could not make it to Miami... so to our surprise our very own Jose Luis Villa gave the opening speech as former Circulo Creativo president. It was a bit long and many people was not on the best mood due to the long wait and no apparent apology form Brother... nevertheless, we got to learn how the Circulo came about and how Luis Miguel and Jose Luis were part of the founders of this great group that has gained so many members throughout the years and the efforts of many people.

Then we bumped into Mary Turso from Burger King. Quite interesting to see how she is the one that makes the creative briefs and not the agencies. As a side note, we must say that she is a GREAT speaker. Not so much fun when she hit their rivals... "us"... McDs. It was quite surprising to see how simple they managed the brief yet to the point, and as they call it "with a no bullshit attribute". Later on she gave us some tips and recommendations for before, during and after the brief-making, which we will share with you all later on.

After a short brake and some wines, Gonzalo from Mundos Argentina shared with us "El que y el como" on his journey to the Grand Prix at Cannes that he was awarded with due to his amazing 360 AXE campaign. Quite amazing to see that as early as 2004 he was already implementing interactive and mobile advertising with a great outcome. He not only spoke about the industry but also the importance of the "you" and your role on creating a campaign. Key words such as "factores externos", "singulardad", "integracion" among many more were constant on his talk.

After that we enjoyed and tasted some amazing appetizers... oh yes we made sure to try all of them. Most of us are really excited of what is coming this weekend, and we hope this expectations stay up!


Thursday, March 4, 2010

Getting ready for SuperSchool Weekend

Thank you all for following us! As we gather everything to get ready for SSW we also want to make you part of it. Take some minutes to check the SuperSchool Weekend Program, as you may notice we will have a lot going on, if something catches your eye please let us know so we will make sure to cover that subject on our tweets.